Friday, September 28, 2012

The great sugar mishap of 2012

I've been trying to include Caleb in the kitchen more, so on this particular day we made pumpkin bread together while Joshua napped.  Caleb really wanted to do most of it on his own and I was doing my best to let him.   He was in the process of scooping sugar out of the canister and was so focused on scooping that he didn't hold the canister with his hand.  Before I knew it the very full canister was falling and sugar was spilled everywhere!  I'm actually pretty proud of myself that I didn't get upset!  I did what any blogger would do-- I took a picture!

I was able to scoop the 2/3 cup of sugar that we needed off the top of the spill and swept the rest into the vacuum vent that was conveniently located under my cabinets right by the spill!

One thing that has been making this Mama's heart happy is to see my boys play together more.  They both love hide n' seek and Joshua is really good at it, which should probably make me nervous!  He finds great places to hide and then he stays really quiet while he waits to be found, which is not something most kids his age do.  They had a great time playing and Joshua hid in between the tall upholstered chair and the ottoman.  It took Caleb quite awhile to find him!

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